
Wild Harmony Designs

Welcome to Wild Harmony Designs! I'm Tiffany, your guide in Human Design, Astrology, and Reiki Healing. I'm here to help you integrate these cosmic insights into your life, one step at a time.

As a Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, and Libra Rising, I bring a blend of precision, emotion, and charm to my practice. I'm a mom to a Tripple Aquarius daughter and expecting twin boys, navigating this cosmic journey with my partner Jonathan.

Feeling overwhelmed by readings? I get it! That's why I offer immersions, not readings. I break down Human Design and Astrology into digestible nuggets, allowing you to absorb and embrace the wisdom about yourself.

With two and a half years of Human Design exploration and a year of astrology study under my belt, I bring a wealth of experience to guide you on your journey. Whether it's mom life or camping adventures, I'm here to dive into the cosmic ocean with you, offering honest, unfiltered insights.

Let's decode the stars, align our paths, and create magic together!

Hi I'm Tiffany.

Teaching you to listen to your body using Human Design and Astrology. You do not have to navigate this alone. I am here to teach you how to integrate this information in small bites. I'm glad you're here!!

Human Design


This Human Design immersion will introduce you to your Human Design Chart one week at a time over three weeks.

Over three weeks, I go over your Human Design Type, Authority, and 3 centers. We dig into tapping into your body to learn how to make decisions. How to apply this information to your daily life, and how to start unlearning what you were taught in childhood and by society on how you "should" act! 

In the worlds of Human Design and Astrology, it's common to receive a one-hour reading full of insightful information, only to be left to navigate the vast amount of data on your own afterward. I've experienced this firsthand and found myself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information and unsure of how to proceed.

When I started creating my own business my goal was to take away the overwhelm of information and break it up into small bits of information. This way you can slowly integrate the info into your life and have a reference to go back to when needed.

With my immersions, you'll receive a series of three emails focusing on either Human Design or Astrology. These emails are spaced out one per week and are packed with actionable tips and tricks to help you apply the information immediately.

After completing the immersion, if you still have questions or need further guidance, you have the option to book a one-on-one call with me. During this call, we can address any lingering questions or uncertainties that arose during the three-week immersion process.

In essence, my goal is to not only provide you with valuable insights but also to support you in integrating them seamlessly into your life, ensuring that you can fully benefit from the wisdom of Human Design or Astrology without feeling overwhelmed or lost.



This Astrology immersion will introduce you to your Astrology Chart one week at a time over three weeks. 

Over the three weeks I go over your Astrology Sun, moon, and rising sign. I will dig into where you feel these signs in your body and how to apply this information to your daily life. 

Grounded in Harmony Coaching

Embark on a transformative three-month coaching program at Grounded In Harmony, seamlessly blending astrology and Human Design to enrich your daily life. Our personalized readings unveil your unique traits, strengths, and challenges, providing practical tools to navigate relationships, career decisions, and personal growth.

  • Month 1: Uncover and Embrace Your Unique Design
  • Month 2: Implementation and Personalization
  • Month 3: Celebration and Thriving Forward

By the program's end, gain profound insights into your chart and acquire practical strategies to navigate life's complexities. Join us on a transformative journey where the harmonious interplay between the cosmos and your individual design becomes the foundation for a thriving life.

Permission to be Creative Free Downloads

I have created these coloring books to give you a tool to be creative just for the sake of creativity. Many people think all creativity needs to have a purpose or a function that can be productive or helpful in some way. This is not true. So I created these free coloring books to get you started on your journey of being creative for the fun of it. To practice letting go of needing to be productive or creating something for a reason.

Each page offers a blank canvas, inviting you to explore the depths of your imagination without constraint or expectation. There are no rules to follow, no deadlines to meet—just you, your colors, and the boundless possibilities before you.

As you pick up your colored pencils or markers, you embark on a journey of self-expression and liberation. With every stroke, you release the need for perfection and embrace the imperfections that make each creation uniquely yours. In this space of playful exploration, mistakes become opportunities, and every color choice is a reflection of your innermost thoughts and emotions.

These coloring books are not just about filling in shapes; they are about rediscovering the joy of creativity that resides within us all. They are a gentle reminder that creativity is not a means to an end, but a source of endless delight and wonder. So let your imagination run wild, and let these pages be your guide as you embark on a journey of pure, unbridled creativity.

Follow me on Instagram @WildHarmonywithTiffany

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